
One more update? Why not

How bout an update about me? Sure. I've started a job working as a waiter again at Timpanos. Timpanos Chop Shop and Sea Food Grill and Martini Bar. Lots of expensive steaks and wines and martinis. I should be making decent money once I get out of training and people get back from vacations and such. We'll see. So far it doesn't suck, so that's pretty much a plus.

Let's see, what else. I've been running well playing poker, except for tonight, but that's ok. It's all about managing your swings and getting your money in when it's good. After that, it's not up to you, it's up to the poker gods. Or the Full Tilt gods. Whoever you pray to.

The next few weeks are going to be exciting. The Mummy 3, Pineapple Express...Dark Knight again...could be good.

I started writing again, or, I started to buy books as research for what I want to write next. Almost done with character work and the basic outline. Should be able to get a solid beat outline soon. And I have a couple 600 page books to read. Hooray. Now, to find some time to read them.

Till then, keep it real

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