
Strangest sitcom turn...*spoiler alert

So I finally caught up on watching Weeds last night. Finished up season 4 and then watched the 5 premiere. This show has taken one of the strangest turns I've ever seen.

Weeds used to be about a white suburban single mom selling pot. Then it was about a white suburban mom selling a lot of pot. Then she sold heroine. Then they decided there wasn't much left to do in suburbia so they literally burned it down, and it became a show about a mom taking her family on the run...and selling drugs. Then she became affiliated with a big Mexican mafioso. And now it's about a white suburban mom having a Mexican mafia boss' love child...which, needless to say, is very far away from selling pot in suburbia.

I still consider the end of the show the end of season 3, when Agrestic was burned to the ground. That seemed the natural ending to the series, but since it's television, it obviously wouldn't end at 3 seasons since it's so popular. Now it just seems to be about "how else can we make Nancy's life even more complicated..."

I'll obviously still keep watching, because even for its wacky plot twists, it's still one of the better shows on TV, which also says a lot. Plus the comedy is still there and still mostly on point. They actually made a very funny Facebook joke in the 5 premiere.

Mainly I'll keep watching because I want to see where the hell they can go from here. I'm curious if the writers have any idea or if they're just pulling ideas out of their ass, or from Nancy's uterus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i swear to god i read this the other night thinking it was callan's blog and utterly confused as to why callan sounded so much like asher.

i really need to sleep more.