
I Need Someone to tell me if Revolver is a good movie

Ok, so I just watched Guy Ritchie's "Revolver" for a second time.

I can still remember my exact feelings after seeing it for a first time. I saw it alone, expecting to go into the theater for a normal Guy Ritchie movie, you know, shoot em up, cool gangster movie. Then I noticed that Luc Besson had his hands in it, produced and "adapted by" credits, and I was like, awesome, with cool French stylings.

After I saw it, my exact reaction was, "huh." It basically has all the makings of a Ritchie movie, gangsters, cons, Jason Statham, but with a cool existential twist. It focuses a lot more on what a con is, what power is, what fear is, what con-men mentality is and how it all percolates around in our heads. It's really really internal, but I don't know if it's good.

It's fun, it's unusual, it plays a lot with time and what we perceive. I'm just not sure if it's...good. I can't really tell if I'm impressed with the concept of getting into the mind of a con man, or with the entire movie. Ritchie does a lot of really cool things with form and sound that I picked up on this 2nd time around, and he does a lot of his own fun things with slow motion and voiceover, but I think it all makes sense and plays into the theme. I think.

So if anyone would do me the favor, watch it and tell me what you think. I have it on my computer if anyone wants to watch it or wants a copy


Chris said...

"Some of the acting is better than the film deserves. Make that all of the acting. Actually, the film stock itself is better than the film deserves. You know when sometimes a film catches fire inside a projector? If it happened with this one, I suspect the audience might cheer."
-Roger Ebert


I need to see this mess.

Good Bet Ash said...

I didn't think it stunk. But it's possible it's a mess. And yes, there are some really really nice Ray Liota and Jason Statham monologues. And everything Andre 3000 says sounds like he's singing.

Anonymous said...

No. No it is not good. It's a mess. Fun enough to watch, but it's a mess and it's a mess the way Vanilla Sky was a mess. Only the difference is, you can laugh at Revolver without wanting to kill yourself.

Good Bet Ash said...

Am I right that it does bring up some really cool stuff? And it just doesn't know what to do with it?

Good Bet Ash said...

And Vanilla Sky has no excuse. It's 90% of the Spanish version, but the 10% they left out was the part that pulled the movie together.

I feel like Luc Besson and Guy Ritchie were like, "wow we have these cool ideas...what should we do? No idea..."