
This just in...my parents are more savvy than any of you

So I sent out a text message today to many of my friends. The text read, "I have refound religion. I will be entering JTS to become a rabbi"

I received responses, including:

"Cool" (x2 of you)
"What's JTS" (Jewish Theological Seminary, located uptown)
Alex asked me why this was special news for today
Linda said she supported me as long as I grew out a beard
And I had one of you going for longer than I thought I would.
In fact only one of my friends actually caught on to the joke.

My parents, however, are more clever than any of you.

Dad's response: Mazal tov! Happy April 1st!
Mom's response: Do they have rabbis in antarctica?

Happy April Fools Day everyone. You're mostly all fools!


Jesse said...

why did you not prank me?!?! I'm prankworthy! Is it because I don't know what a Rabbi is? Is it like a little rabbit?

Anonymous said...

You did not have me going. I just thought you were...eating those cookies you like so much. Which is not unreasonable. ahem.